
Founder & Lead Therapist

Dr. Deborah Holt is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Board Approved Supervisor in the state of Texas. She received a Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Therapy at Texas Woman’s University, where she graduated in the top 5% of family therapy students. She completed her clinical training at the Department of Psychiatry Family Studies Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. She has done extensive work with couples and families in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, specializing in a highly effective therapeutic model. Dr. Holt acquired training and experience with children/adolescents and adults with mental health and behavioral problems in the residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient settings.

Dr. Holt is a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She is also an active member of Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She was the top-producing therapist at her former group practice and received accolades in the efficacy of her clinical work in agency. Dr. Holt’s doctoral research and dissertation is titled, “The Moderating Role of Relationship Satisfaction and Parenting Quality on Negative Child Behavior in Re-Partnered Couples.” She presented on varied topics, including attachment and adult attachment, re-partnered couples, interpersonal romantic relationships, relationship satisfaction and parenting quality, remarriage, stepmotherhood, blended families and stepfamilies, children of divorce, self-care and self-compassion, and neuroscience.


Dr. Holt specializes in high conflict couples. Her passion lies in helping couples caught in a vicious cycle to find healing and connection again. It is not about “good or bad” or “right or wrong” partner, but the attachment injuries couples experience and the disharmonious dance that they get caught in that hinders belonging and security between partners. These attachment injuries and wounds leave couple members feeling hurt, alone, fearful, and disconnected, paralyzing the growth of the relationship.

Intentional care and maturation of your relationship with your partner is imperative for the relationship to be meaningful and long-lasting. It is important to know what injuries influence your dynamics and interactions with your partner. Insight regarding yourself and your partner cultivates emotional maturity and provides an opportunity to engage in new habits and patterns, softening the unhealthy cycle you both were once stuck in. When you are able to master the skills of assertive communication and active listening, it creates a powerful bond between you and your partner. Veritably, when you acquire deep connection and security with your significant other, it is easier to overcome life stressors and acquire the most desired version of yourself and relationship. Love, which involves emotional safety and connectedness, has the ability to heal the wounds and injuries that couple members experience and carry. You and your partner need emotional depth and connection like the air you breathe.


With the divorce rates for those entering second or subsequent marriages are profoundly greater than those in first marriages, Dr. Holt is devoted to offering premarital counseling to couples who are re-partnering (whether remarriage may be for one or both partners). She carries a strong focus on high conflict couples and families; divorce and remarriage; blended families and stepparent issues; grief and (ambiguous) loss; infidelity; and children and adolescent depression, anxiety, and suicide.

As a systems and relational counselor, Dr. Holt’s deep appreciation and excitement for working with families is inevitable. With three little ones at home, she knows how unique each family member can be and that every family has a unique story to tell. Even if your child(s) or partner are displaying “symptoms” that feel difficult for you to navigate or understand, you can make small yet meaningful changes that can positively influence your family and the cadence/tone within your familial system. Change is possible and paramount - You must shift with the developing world or you become cemented, creating havoc and distress on your relationship(s) and system.

Family of origin work is necessary to understand as it colors who you are, the lens through which you see the world, and our interpersonal relationships. Much of Dr. Holt’s work are with families and parent-child/adolescent dyads.

Dr. Holt’s clinical training and therapeutic modality involves Emotionally Focused Therapy, which provides depth in her ability to help couples and families who are experiencing discord capture emotional connection and secure attachment. She believes her clients are the experts of their lives; she is the expert of relationships. Consequently, Dr. Holt takes a collaborative, direct, and empathic approach in her work with couples, families, and individuals.

Dr. Holt is also fluent in Korean - She has worked extensively with Korean parent-child dyads and couples whom at least one members’ native language is English at her practice. She would be happy to integrate this into the therapeutic process if you need/upon your request.

Dr. Holt has received the appropriate training to offer Telehealth services. She provides virtual and online therapy if/when necessary. Dr. Holt offers both in-person therapy and telehealth services.