Individual Therapy

"Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is.
The way you cope with it is what makes the difference
-Virginia Satir

Sustainable and authentic growth and change really does start within ourselves. We will experience traction in our external world such as our interpersonal relationships until our internal world is resolved. Our relational growth and relationships with others may meet its threshold if we are not cultivating our personal growth and selves.

Our reality is colored by our life experiences. Our childhood and/or adult life encounters, culture, family system and family of origin influences how we see and experience the world. Our lived experiences may not be understood by another if we do not carry self insight and awareness of how our very own life experiences and adversities color our lens and worldview.

Learning to understand ourselves on a more intimate and emotional level breeds emotional maturity and self-worth. Fostering emotional maturity creates depth and breadth as you are able to adopt a position of curiosity and embrace multiple realities. When we understand our emotions, experiences, and needs associated with our lived experiences and/or attachment injuries, the increased likelihood we attract those, and are attracted to those, who, too, value our worth and carry similar levels of differentiation.

Although asking for help can be uncomfortable, it is necessary that we continue to grow and shift with the ever-evolving world around us to prevent stagnation and the feeling of being “not good enough” and/or “stuck.” You are worthy and your life is incredibly valuable.


Common presenting issues:

  • Depression and Anxiety

  • Grief and (Ambiguous) Loss

  • Self Compassion and Self Worth

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Self-Harm and Suicide

  • Anger Management

  • Stepmother Challenges

  • Multicultural Issues

What to expect in individual counseling:

Individual counseling helps facilitate learning and growth for individuals. Individual counseling provides a caring and nonjudgemental space for you to feel empathized with and supported. Individual counseling helps identify and heal the injuries that continue to get touched up on. Individuals counseling helps you achieve insight and tools you need to cope effectively with the taxing circumstances you may be experiencing. Individual counseling is a collaborative process that can help you to be the most desired version of you and bring your best self to your meaningful relationships.